
This Policy states TESLA GROUP’s commitment to its employees, the students, visitors, and all other parties affected by our activities. We will ensure that all Health, Safety, welfare, and other possible efforts are made to achieve this Policy’s Objectives.

Tesla Group is committed to adhering to the requirements set by the Drug and Alcohol Policy or the ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY.

The Possession and consumption of Alcohol and illegal/intoxicating drugs or substances at TESLA’S Premises are strictly prohibited. Legal assistance will be made available to ensure the legal and all applicable local legislation requirements are complied with.

No personnel shall be permitted to enter the premises of TESLA GROUP under the influence of Drugs and Alcohol. Any Employee found/believed to be carrying or under the influence of illegal Drugs and intoxicating substances shall be restricted from entering the premise and be held liable for Disciplinary action internally or externally.

The TESLA GROUP shall never entertain or promote such activities, even if the due diligence is met. All personnel entering TESLA’S premises are responsible for their Conduct. Any misconduct shall be viewed very strictly and is reportable with no consideration.

The implementation and the effectiveness of this Policy shall be monitored periodically, and the records will be kept in writing.

This Policy states Tesla group’s commitment to its employees, the students, visitors, and all other parties affected by our activities. We shall ensure Environmental safety, and all possible efforts are made to achieve this Policy’s Objectives.

The TESLA GROUP shall ensure that the work activities are carried out safely without risks to Health through continual awareness and training programs and encourage interest and enthusiasm in safe working to promote positive safety culture.

TESLA’S Senior Management shall take personal responsibility and accountability for the Health and Safety of all associated with the organization. Safety will be treated equally and prioritized with the business objectives. All possible efforts will be made available to strive to conduct its activities in a manner to achieve ZERO Accidents.

TESLA GROUP shall comply with all the LEGAL requirements set by the Local legislations of INDIA and shall willingly cooperate with those responsible for enforcing them.

The implementation and the effectiveness of this Policy will be monitored, and the records will be kept in writing.

This Policy states TESLA Group’s commitment to its employees, the students, visitors, and all other affected parties affected by our activities. We ensure the Health, Safety, and welfare, and all possible efforts will be made to achieve this Policy’s Objectives.

Tesla Group is committed to adhering to the requirements set by this ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY.

The TESLA GROUP will take deliberate actions to manage human activities to prevent, reduce or mitigate harmful effects on Nature and Natural resources. TESLA GROUP shall ensure that man-made alterations to the Environment do not harm the Environment. This shall be achieved by:

TESLA’S Senior Management shall take personal responsibility and accountability for the Health and Safety of all associated with the organization. Safety will be treated equally and prioritized with the business objectives. All possible efforts will be made available to strive to conduct its activities in a manner to achieve ZERO Accidents.

TESLA GROUP shall comply with all the LEGAL requirements set by the Local legislations of INDIA and shall willingly cooperate with those responsible for enforcing them.

The implementation and the effectiveness of this Policy will be monitored, and the records will be kept in writing.